Our Herd

Some dear sweet friends gave Tahoe to Cathy as her personal horse. The first day that Tahoe was at the farm, an OHF mentor put a 5-year-old on her, and she has been used for riding sessions ever since. She is a sweet, gentle mare that loves all the attention she can get!

Angel is a Medicine Hat Paint, which are thought to carry a special spirit in Native American culture. She was bred as a halter showhorse and trained as a barrel horse, which resulted in a leg injury. After rehabilitation, she was donated to OHF as a therapy horse.

Miss Kat came to Owl Hollow as a kids' horse. She had been purchased by a grandma for her grandchildren, but they found she was not a good fit. Soon they were searching for a new home, and Owl Hollow turned out to be that perfect home. Kat is a favorite among many of our participants.

Wally is a registered 17 year old Arabian who has more the demeanor of a Morgan horse. His registered name is very elegant, Raffles Kamar. He came to us after being a lesson horse for several years and has shown in many horse shows. As you can see he is a favorite among our students.

Roanan also is a very nice horse. He is a Blue Roan papered as Roan Feather Hancock. He is 16 years old. He was born in Leslie Arkansas . He was donated after having a hard impact landing on a cross country competition several years ago. He is not able to do high jumps anymore but he can sure run.

Bart wandered onto the farm in the summer of 2009 when Cathy's son, Shawn, was working on the new house. Bart laid down on the floor where Shawn was working and didn't move for the rest of the day. When Cathy returned home and started to run the dog off, Shawn told her she couldn't because he was a great dog and he had already named him "Bart" after an old west gunslinger. When he is not barking at the cows in the pasture across the road, he can usually be found sleeping or following Bob around like a loyal watchdog.

Happy, Fuzzy and Mama
These three "barn" cats can typically be found wherever the people are, looking to cuddle. Mama, whose real name is "Snowball" spends most of her time rolling in dirt patches and trying to sneak into Bob and Cathy's house where she hopes to live one day. Happy can usually be found sleeping on top of someone's car or begging for food. Last, but certainly not least is Fuzzy, whose official name is "Bashful." She is certainly not bashful and will usually follow anyone who will give her a little love. She was nicknamed Fuzzy because that's all she is: a little fuzz ball.